The Road to Longevity
Donald McLeod M.D., Philip White M.D., and W.M. Heatherington
The Truth About Hormone Replacement, Antioxidants, Exercise, Stress, and Diet.

Section III
The Rebuilt Engine

As we approach middle age, many of us have put on those extra pounds around the middle, and have allowed muscles to soften and go slack. Also, in arranging our livelihoods and furthering our careers, we have frequently put ourselves through years of stress. All of which takes a toll on our sex lives.

Yogi Berra once said: "Ninety percent of baseball is half mental." The same could be said for sex. Sort of.

That is to say, a good deal of our libido derives from just how our minds are predisposed to sex at any given time. If we feel flabby and unattractive, if we are out of shape and out of energy, sex will likely be out of the question. And out of the picture.

Because HGH can and does work on several fronts at once, it can and does put sex back into the picture.

Once HGH has begun to trim us down and fill out the muscles, we begin to feel better about our bodies, and our attractiveness. It has been said that a woman's greatest asset is a man's imagination. Of course, the vice-versa is true as well. And once we feel we have attained sufficient attractiveness to inflame our partner's imagination, our frozen assets can readily be converted to liquid assets, and we are now into a bull market, so to speak.

As we have mentioned previously, HGH begins its rejuvenating work in the cells, in the tissues, and in the organs, working throughout the body. In this comprehensive rejuvenation almost everything in the body is affected by repair and restoration. HGH does not just induce a short term Viagra fix. It makes our cells and tissues younger, it halts the shrinking in many of our internal organs - it even brings shrinking genitals back to normal.

. . . . (cont'd)

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