The Road to Longevity
Donald McLeod M.D., Philip White M.D., and W.M. Heatherington
The Truth About Hormone Replacement, Antioxidants, Exercise, Stress, and Diet.

Section III
Size Does Matter

And then there's the one about what Adam said when he first laid eyes on Eve:
"Stand back! I don't know how big this thing gets."

The reason the line is funny is that we know how big the thing gets. Within limits. But within these limits there is room for considerable variance. And when we hear someone say: "Size doesn't matter", it is usually said by a woman. So long as a penis is not too far off average, for most women, size does not matter. But to most men, size does matter. And it matters a lot. For a man, that part of him is his bowsprit, his figurehead. He wants to be proud of it.

Just as many organs, such as the heart or liver, tend to shrink with age, so too for the penis. (And the clitoris, too, for that matter.) As we get into our forties and fifties, the shrinkage for some can be somewhat pronounced. But here again HGH can help. Just as HGH has shown that it can stop, and in many cases reverse, the shrinkage in various inner organs, so too it can halt and reverse shrinkage in the penis.

A study done by the Mayo Clinic on HGH deficient men showed that HGH alone was able to restore the penis to its normal size. This corroborates findings by Dr. Chein, who wrote:
"When you restore the hormones to that of a 20 year old, the man's penis and the woman's clitoris will return to their original size. This has not been reported in the journals yet, but these are the results from my patients after six month, one year, two years, and longer."

For a man in his forties or fifties, it is bad enough to be hit with a diminishing libido. Finding that the penis has begun to shrink as well, has to be a case of insult being added to injury, a double whammy. Happily, HGH has a one-two punch in its repertoire to take on the diminishing libido and the shrinking penis.

Just as HGH turns back the clock for the rest of the body, so too it does for the penis. It allows a man to recapture his former drive and his former size. It allows him to stand proud and stand tall, and to say: "Stand back!"

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