A Good Night's Sleep (page 3/3)

There are other problems, as well, associated with sleep deprivation, and since inadequate sleep is a widespread malady in the modern world, this compounds the problem. Approximately 100,000 traffic accidents and at least 1,500 deaths are attributed to sleep deprivation. Accidents at home and in the workplace are frequently caused by lack of proper sleep.

Common problems are insomnia (lack of sleep); snoring (including sleep apnea); parasomnias (sleep walking, teeth grinding or bruxism, restless legs); medical illness (Alzheimer's disease, benign prostatic hypertrophy, menopause); emotional problems (depression, stress); and environmental sleep disturbance.

Where there is a serious sleep problem, medical help should be sought.

For many, abstaining from the evening cup of coffee may help improve sleep.
Refraining from ingesting other methylxanthines such as tea, chocolate, and soft drinks will likely help as well.

In addition to common sense remedies, one of the best ways of recapturing normal sleep patterns lies with HGH. Because poor sleep may drastically alter our production of HGH, restoring our levels of HGH can help break this cycle.

Restoration of HGH levels has been shown to bring back the normal sleep patterns we had in our younger days. Not only does it restore deep sleep, it restores REM sleep.

Quoting Dr. Chein:
"...amazingly, although HGH treatment increased REM sleep time by 27 minutes, the total sleep time needed by patients was decreased. With this came a significantly improved sense of well being, and an increase in daytime energy."

[Dr. White and Dr. McLeod are presently involved in a clinical trial with various sleep agents to determine which maximizes deep sleep, and thus HGH release at night.]

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