The Road to Longevity
Donald McLeod M.D., Philip White M.D., and W.M. Heatherington
The Truth About Hormone Replacement, Antioxidants, Exercise, Stress, and Diet.

Section III
Inside Out

A comedian once observed:
"Do you realize that all the hair on the outside of your head was once on the inside of your head?"

The reason the line is funny is because of the bizarre picture it generates - the skull crammed with all that hair. And yet there is a measure of truth implied by the observation. Hair growth does begin on the inside. Perhaps not in great bushy balls, and perhaps not inside the skull itself.

But it does grow out of the follicles that extend down into the inner layers of skin.

Since HGH does exercise a broad effect on our physiology, making it "younger", it would be surprising if it did not improve hair growth, as well as hair color and hair texture.

Further, with all the research going on at present, the possibility is far from remote that HGH, working in combination with other therapies, may show even more impressive results in the future.

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