Putting it All Together (cont'd)

At a symposium given by Dr. White and Dr. McLeod, one participant remarked that unless he could convince his friends to raise their HGH output, then he may end up with few friends when he is 120 years young.

One last point illustrating that we may sometimes achieve a goal in an indirect or roundabout way:

There were two men out hiking in the woods.
Off in the distance they spied a large bear starting into a charge at them.
The first guy bends over to tighten his shoelaces, as if in preparation for a run.
The second guy says to him, "You don't think you will be able to outrun the bear, do you?"
The first guy replies, "I don't have to outrun the bear - all I have to do is outrun you!"

By embarking on a program to increase our levels of HGH, we know that it is not going to enable us to live forever.
But such a program may take us further along to where the next discovery may.

Or the one after that.

Because at the rate new discoveries are being made nowadays, who can say?

Joke in Printed Version: Counselor to Inmate: "Do you want to continue your longevity program in here?"

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