Coenzyme Q-10 (cont'd)

One of the liver's important functions is that it is continuously cleansing poisons and pollutants out of the blood. Also, the liver produces bile, which is very important in the digestion of fats. Other studies discussed in the above mentioned publication have shown that 50% of obese individuals are deficient in CoQ-10. Almost all vegetarians are deficient in CoQ-10.

Since CoQ-10 promotes optimal energy production in cells (a process that uses up sugar), and since it also promotes a healthy liver (optimizing its role in the digestion of fats), we should not be surprised to learn that CoQ-10 has been instrumental in promoting weight loss. CoQ-10 has also been shown to act as an antioxidant, but the detailed functioning in this regard has not yet been determined. So far, it appears that CoQ-10 is able to inhibit the oxidation of fats by free radicals.

In addition, studies have shown that CoQ-10 helps boost the immune system. One study in particular, done by Emile Bliznakov, demonstrated that CoQ-10 brought about a doubling in the rate of phagocytosis in rats. (Phagocytosis is the process whereby white blood cells engulf and remove foreign matter from the blood.) Another study done on mice showed that, with CoQ-10 treatments, their rate of antibody production was doubled. This brought their antibody production almost in line with that found in young mice.

Since the levels of CoQ-10 in the body tend to diminish with age, for those approaching their 50's, this is a supplement worth looking into. However, CoQ-10 has produced some instances of diarrhea and nausea, suggesting that it should be taken in appropriate dosages, and under the care and monitoring of a medical doctor.

Patients taking statin drugs for cholestorol problems have decreased CoQ-10, levels possibly adding to their fatigue.

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