Inner Organs (cont'd)

Once the impairment of function of any of these organs is more advanced, and the deterioration more pronounced, our lives then become that much more limited. We do continue to live, but not nearly so well.

Certainly not with the same breadth and scope we enjoyed previously. We find that we can no longer walk as far, or as fast, or as painlessly. Other activities are fraught with similar limitations.

With further malfunction of these inner organs, we may find we can only get by with serious medication, or by keeping an oxygen bottle handy, or by making frequent trips to a clinic or hospital to undergo dialysis. But this is not the way it has to be. Just as HGH has been shown to slow or reverse the aging process in other parts of the body, so too it is for our inner organs.

Because HGH works on our fundamental physiology, by this means it also works to improve the health of our inner organs. Because HGH stimulates the emergence of a more youthful body chemistry within us, it is thereby able to make our vital organs more youthful as well. With HGH replacement therapy, the shrinkage that these organs undergo is checked, and in many cases, reversed, depending on which organ is involved and how early the intervention with HGH. Needless to say, once the HGH levels have reached those common to people of middle age, the sooner treatment is begun, the better.

To get a more complete idea of just how effective HGH is in this area, it would behoove us to examine its work on our inner organs in a bit more detail.

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