Body pH Control
Following are a few of the health concepts dealing with pH and its effect on our bodies. The concept of pH has been known about and researched for thousands of years. People are becoming increasingly more concerned about taking charge of their own health care. If you apply the principles of pH discussed below, your health will improve and, with time, you will be in control of your own health.

We are all born and we will all die.
The journey in between can be can be life of health and vitality or of disease.
With today's knowledge and easy access to it, it is now your choice.
Much really does come down to the pH you maintain in your body and its effect on your health.

The information presented is offered as a brief summary of the relationship between pH and health. It is not a vehicle for, nor is it intended for, self-diagnosis or treatment of disease, nor is it a substitute for the advice and care of a licensed health care provider. The following information is intended solely to help you make better judgments concerning your long-term health goals, and is not intended for the treatment of specific illnesses. No guarantee or assurance is given to anyone as to the specific results that may be obtained. Early examination and detection are important to successful treatment of all health issues.

The author assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies, deficiencies, errors or omissions. It is not the intention of the author to slight or offend any individuals, groups or organizations by reference or implication. The reader should consult qualified alternative health care professionals regarding individual conditions.

1. What Is pH?
2. The Effects of pH on Your Body
3. How to Measure Your pH
4. Effects of Bathing on Body pH
5. Balancing the Foods You Eat
6. Water
7. Detoxification
8. Emotional and Environmental Stresses - Their Effects on Body pH
9. Foods to Avoid
10. Miscellaneous Acid Forming Substances
11. Acid Symptoms Checklist
12. pH Testing Chart
13. Common Foods Producing Alkaline pH
14. Common Foods Producing Acidic pH
15. Bibliography

  1. What Is pH?
    pH is a measure of acidity or alkalinity of your body.
    Scientifically, pH means potential hydrogen.
    pH is a measure of hydrogen ions (H+).

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  2. The Effects of pH on the Body
    Body pH should be measured first thing in the morning, before drinking, eating or exercising.
    The optimal pH value for both saliva and urine is 7.0.

    Saliva pH evaluates mainly emotional and environmental stresses on your body.

    Urine pH evaluates mainly your physical body.
    If the pH of urine is under 6.4, the body cannot optimally assimilate vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

    The optimal range of blood is pH 7.3 to pH 7.4.
    A blood pH below 7.3 is considered metabolic acidosis (or acidic blood) at which point disease begins.

    Neutralized means bringing urine pH to an optimal number of 7.0.
    As your body pH becomes more neutral, the assimilation of oxygen in your body increases.
    Increased oxygen assimilation equals increased cellular health and overall body health.

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  3. How To Measure Your pH
    There are two pH levels you can measure yourself: saliva and urine.
    To be meaningful, samples must be taken the first thing after rising each morning, before drinking, eating, or exercising.
    1st Morning pH: Urine
    Release a sample of urine in a cup.
    Quickly dip a pH testing strip into the sample.
    Pull it out immediately.
    Measure immediately by matching color on a reference pH chart.
    Write down the number that corresponds to color on the pH strip on your personal chart.

    1st Morning pH: Saliva
    Release a small amount of saliva onto a spoon.
    Dip a pH testing strip into the sample.
    Pull it out immediately.
    Measure immediately by matching color on a reference pH chart.
    Write down the number that corresponds to color on the pH strip on your personal chart.

    Use the chart to track your first morning pH for both urine and saliva.
    REMEMBER: Any pH reading other than 7.0 indicates your body is not at optimal health.
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  4. Effects of Bathing on Body pH
    Tub bathing allows pores to open and toxins to be eliminated while allowing absorption of water and other elements into your body.
    If water turns color while bathing, it is an indication that your body is detoxifying.

    If calcium, potassium, and magnesium are dissolved in your bathwater, it will absorb into your body via the skin.
    This helps to elevate the pH of your body.
    Bathing Tips (the pH bath)
    Bathe (tub soak) minimum of three times per week, daily is best, for up to 40 minute sessions.
    Add calcium, potassium, and magnesium to pH neutral hot bath water.
    Soak, Relax, and Enjoy.

    People who cannot take baths might consider using a foot bath.
    Add calcium, potassium, and magnesium to pH neutral hot foot bath water.
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  5. Balancing The Food You Eat
    A MINIMUM of 80% of your calories each day should be from Alkaline Producing Foods.
    A MAXIMUM of 20% of your calories each day should be from Acid Producing Foods.

    Never combine fruits with other foods.
    Eat fruits 20 minutes prior to or 2 hours after a meal.
    Eat proteins separate from carbohydrates, and vegetables with either.

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  6. Water
    Body is 78% water.
    Blood is 90% water.
    Cells are 98% water. Water is essential for life.

    Here is a formula for determining the amount of water you need each day:
    Total body weight in pounds divided by one half equals the amount of water needed daily in fluid ounces.
    (Example: 100 pounds divided by 2 = 50 lbs, therefore, consume 50 fluid ounces of water per day).
    Test your drinking water for pH level (even reverse osmosis and distilled water).
      1. Dip pH paper into water.
      2. Remove strip and immediately check pH by matching color of strip to a reference pH color chart.
    Minerals in water determine pH of water. If the water is not at the optimal pH (7.0), its pH needs to be adjusted.

    Adjustment Formula for Water
    In container put total amount of water needed per day (calculated by above water quantity formula).
    Measure the water pH.
    If it is acidic, add 1/8 teaspoon of organic/natural baking soda* to volume of water.
    Stir, measure and retest.
    Repeat until the pH reaches 7.0 to 8.0.
    Drink throughout the day.
    (If the water tastes unpleasant, squeeze fresh lemon into water.)
    9.0 (and higher) pH water filtering systems are available.
    *Baking soda has high sodium content and should not be used by people who have high blood pressure, nor should it be used for more than 90 days by anyone else. If pH does not begin to change within 90 days, refer back to "Foods to Avoid" . Organic/natural baking soda is preferred.


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  7. Detoxification
    Detoxification is the bodys process of eliminating toxins.
    Detoxification of the body has many names:
    reactivation, cleansing, healing crisis, etc.
    Detoxification at times will cause you to feel worse.
    Detoxification usually occurs in cycles of 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, or 21 days. Once detoxification begins, it should last 3, 7,14, or 21 days or a combination of these.
    Detoxification will occur as your bodys' pH changes.
    Detoxification may cause your pH to become temporarily more acidic as you release stored toxins that have to be eliminated by your body (keep your alkalizing regimen the same; your pHs will come back up as your body rids itself of toxins).
    You may go through many detoxification cycles before you regain your health.

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  8. Emotional and Environmental Stresses - Their Effects on Body pH
    Saliva pH test mainly evaluates emotional and environmental stress on your body.
    Determine your emotional and environmental stressors by using the Social Readjustment Rating Scale.
    The scale is based on a point value system termed Life Change Units.

    Your chances of getting sick in the near future:
    If your score is:
    Fewer than 150 points - there is a 30% chance,
    From 150 - 299 points - there is a 50% chance,
    Over 300 points, there is an 80% chance.

    Rate yourself and your personal stress level.

    Death of spouse100
    Marital separation65
    Jail Term63
    Death of close family member63
    Personal injury or illness53
    Fired from work47
    Marital Reconciliation45
    Change in health of family member44
    Gain of new family member39
    Sex Difficulties39
    Business readjustment39
    Change in financial state38
    Death of close friend37
    Career Change36
    Increased in arguments with spouse35
    Mortgage over $10,00031
    Foreclosure of mortgage or loan30
    Inlaw trouble29
    Increased employment responsibility29
    Son or daughter leaving home29
    Outstanding personal achievement28
    Wife begins or stops work26
    Begin or end school26
    Change in living conditions25
    Revision of personal habits24
    Trouble with boss23
    Change in work hours or conditions20
    Change in residence20
    Change in schools20
    Change in recreation20
    Change in church activities19
    Change in social activities18
    Mortgage or loan less than $10,00017
    Change in sleeping habits16
    Change in # of family get-togethers15
    Change in eating habits15
    Minor violation of the law11

    The higher the total points, the more effect emotional and environmental stresses will have on your saliva pH and the pH of your body (urine).
    You must make changes in your thinking process, and internal and external environments to change your saliva pH and your body pH.

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  9. Foods to Avoid
    1. Pork:
      "the other white meat" is full of colorings, preservatives, nitrates, and salt.
      This is a very stimulatory food and is difficult for your body to digest.

    2. Shellfish:
      Most of these are bottom feeders who consume anything that dies in the ocean and becomes debris,
      as well as the many toxic chemicals being dumped into our waters.
      (pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, industrial run-off, petroleum products).
      Shrimp may be an exception because they swim and feed on plankton.

    3. Margarine Products:
      Margarine is a man-made "food".
      Studies have shown that margarine can raise your blood cholesterol and increase vascular and cardiac stress.
      Peanut butter (commercially made) falls in this category, along with cooking products like Crisco.
      Real butter is actually a much better food than margarine.

    4. Artificial Sweeteners:
      Nutrasweet/Equal/Aspartame, etc., are toxic to your nervous system.
      In 1988, 80% of complaints the FDA received were due to artificial sweeteners.
      Even certain brain tumors can be a side effect.

    5. Junk Foods:
      Empty-calorie foods that cause your body to "steal" vitamins, minerals, and enzymes from elsewhere in your system in order to digest them. Soft drinks are very acid and will make your system very acidic.

    6. Mayonnaise:
      It is almost all fat and preservatives. Use organic if you do use mayonnaise.

    7. Caffeine:
      A stimulant. Just 2 cups per day increase your chance of disease by 50%.
      Cut down and then cut it out. If you drink 10 cups, eliminate 1 cup and drink 9 until your body is used to that and so forth. This may prevent you from suffering from headaches and other symptoms of withdrawal. The more outside stimulation your body receives, the less internal regulation and the less energy you have.

    8. Chlorine and Fluoride:
      They lock up alkalizing minerals in your body.
      The Miracle products bind both chlorine and fluoride.

    9. MSG:
      Monosodium Glutemate is very stimulatory, addictive, and allergy producing. This is an inorganic salt that your body cannot break down. Be sure to check labels - MSG is in a lot of processed foods!

    10. High Fat Dairy Products:
      Studies indicate that the countries where people drink the most milk have the most instances of osteoporosis.
      Sure, milk has calcium but it also has a lot of protein and phosphorus. These have a negative effect on calcium in your body. You need to get your calcium from the vegetable world, especially from greens.

    11. Alcohol Products:
      Alcohol is one of the very few substances that can be absorbed directly into the blood stream from the stomach. Water is the only other substance. Drink alkalized water instead.

    12. Aluminum:
      If you are cooking in aluminum pans or foil, the aluminum is absorbing into your food. Aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer's Disease. Aluminum is also in most deodorants.

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  10. Miscellaneous Acid Forming Substances
    Personal Care Products
    Shampoos, soaps, cosmetics, hair dyes, etc. are absorbed through the skin and will contribute to toxicity and, therefore, an acidic pH reading.

    - Do not attempt to medicate or change your drugs without professional guidance.
    - 98% of prescription and over-the-counter drugs produce acid-forming reactions.

    Smoking and Chewing Tobacco
    - Avoid. Tobacco is a major cause of acid forming compounds.

    Acidosis occurs when the urine pH is 6.8 or lower.
    Extreme acidosis occurs when the pH is 5.5 or lower.

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  11. Acid Symptoms Checklist
    from Dr. Baroody's book, "Alkalize or Die"

    Acne Cold sores (Herpes I & II) Crohn's Disease
    Agitation Depression Schizophrenia
    Muscular pain Loss of memory Learning Disabilities
    Cold hands and feet Loss of concentration Hodgkin's Disease
    Dizziness Migraine headaches Systemic Lupus Erythematosis
    Low energy Insomnia Multiple Sclerosis
    Joint pains that travel Disturbance in smell, taste, vision, hearing Sarcoidosis
    Food allergies Asthma Rheumatoid Arthritis
    Chemical sensitivities to odors Bronchitis Myasthenia Gravis
    Hyperactivity Hay fever Scleroderma
    Panic attacks Ear aches Leukemia
    Pre-menstrual and menstrual cramping Hives Tuberculosis
    Pre-menstrual anxiety and depression Swelling All other forms of cancer
    Lack of sex drive Viral infections (colds, flu)
    Bloating Bacterial infections (staph, strep) OTHER AILMENTS
    Heartburn Fungal infections (candida albicans, athlete's foot) Craving for sugar or alcohol
    Constipation Impotence Candida Albicans (yeast infections)
    Hot urine Urethritis Menstrual or prostate problems
    Strong smelling urine Cystitis Urinary difficulties
    Mild headaches Urinary infection Hoarseness
    Rapid panting breath Gastritis Obesity
    Rapid heartbeat Colitis
    Irregular heartbeat Excessive hair loss
    White coated tongue Psoriasis
    Hard to get up in morning Endometriosis
    Excess head mucous (stuffiness) Diarrhea
    Metallic taste in mouth Stuttering
    Numbness and tingling

    Belching Deep breathing curtailed TMJ - Temporo-Mandibular Joint pain
    Bloating Overall fatigue and exhaustion Bruxism - grinding teeth in sleep
    Sensitivity at the waist Tendency to swallow air Joint pain
    Intestinal gas Allergies Localized or overall spinal pain
    Regurgitation Dry tickling cough Headaches
    Hiccups Full feeling at the base of throat
    Lack or limitation of appetite Pain or burning in upper chest STRESS
    Nausea Pressure in the chest Dizziness
    Vomiting Pain in the left side of chest Shakiness
    Diarrhea Heartburn Mental confusion
    Constipation Pressure below breastbone Anxiety attacks
    Colic in children Lung pain Insomnia
    Rapid heartbeat Hyperactivity in children
    Rapid rise in blood pressure
    Left shoulder pain, pain in left arm, pain in left side of neck

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  12. pH Testing Chart
    Match the color of your pH test strip to the scale.
    Record the number that corresponds to the color on the scale on the chart below.
    Follow this procedure for 7 days and then average your scores to get your body's average pH reading.

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    A MINIMUM of 80% of your calories each day should be from Alkaline Producing Foods.

    Never combine fruits with other foods.
    Eat fruits 20 minutes prior to or 2 hours after a meal.
    Eat proteins separate from carbohydrates, and vegetables with either.

    Almonds Apples Apricots Bananas
    Beans, Dried Beets BlackBerries Broccoli
    Brussel Sprouts* Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower
    Celery Chard Leaves Cherries, Sour Cucumbers
    Dates, dried Figs, dried Grapefruit Grapes
    Green Beans Green Peas Lettuce Lima Beans, dried
    Limes Milk, raw goat's** Millet Lima Beans, green
    Molasses Mushrooms Muskmellons Onions
    Oranges Parsnips Peaches Pears
    Pineapple Potatoes, sweet Potatoes, white Raisins
    Raspberries Rhubarb Rutabagas (turnips) Sauerkraut
    Spinach, raw Strawberries Tangerines Tomatoes
    Watercress Watermelon

    *Due to their high sulfur content, Brussels sprouts should be eaten sparingly.
    **Recommended for infants when mother's milk is not available.

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    A MAXIMUM of only 20% of your calories each day should be from Acid Producing Foods.

    Never combine fruits with other foods.
    Eat fruits 20 minutes prior to or 2 hours after a meal.
    Eat proteins separate from carbohydrates, and vegetables with either.

    Bacon Barley Grain Beef Blueberries
    Bran, oat Bran, wheat Bread, white Bread, whole wheat
    Butter Carob Cheese Chicken
    Cod Coffee Corn Corn Syrup
    Corned Beef Crackers, soda Cranberries Currants
    Eggs Flour, white Flour, whole wheat Haddock
    Honey Lamb Lentils, dried Lobster
    Macaroni Milk, cow's Oatmeal Olive Oil
    Oysters Peanut Butter Peanuts Peas, dried
    Pike Plums Prunes Refined Sugar
    Rice, brown Rice, white Salmon Sardines
    Sausage Scallops Shrimp Spaghetti
    Squash, winter Sunflower Seeds Turkey Veal
    Walnuts Wheat Germ Yogurt

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    1. Baroody, Dr. T.A., "Alkalize or Die" Waynesville, North Carolina: Holographic Health Press, Eighth Edition 2002
    2. Guyton, Arthur, M.D., "Textbook of Medical Physiology" W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1956
    3. Holmes, T. and Rahe, R. "Social Readjustment Rating Scale" Pergamar Press, 1971
    4. Morter, Dr. M.T., Jr., "pH Your Potential for Health" Morter Health Systems, Rogers, Arkansas
    5. Whang, Sang, "Reverse Aging" Sang Whang Enterprise Inc., Miami, FL, 1990
    6. Whang, Sang, "Amazing Facts about Health and Water" Sang Whang Enterprises, Inc., Miami, FL, 1988
    7. Morter, Dr. M.T., Jr., "The Alka Link" Volume 4, Number 10

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