If you want the results someone has, then you must do what they have done. |
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. |
- Success is a Decision. - |
Needless to say you must put in some effort to be successful at anything, but consider your present vehicle - your job or your occupation: Are you paid what you are worth for your time?What you are about to see is simply a vehicle that can take you from where you are now to where you'd like to be in the future. It might be for you - it might not be. However, if you are serious about achieving your goals faster and more effectively it's worth a proper investigation. You may not be excited about it, but the potential results will get your attention! What type of results would motivate you to do something that you didn't want to do? Most of us are already doing things every day we'd rather not. What makes you go to work everyday?The reward, however, will rarely be proportionate to the effort unless you are the boss. And if you happen to be the boss, your security depends on maintaining control. (people do not like being controlled) Find a vehicle that will give you the results that you desire, then work to turn your hopes and dreams into reality. |
(If you do what they did, you'll be where they are) |